Goodbye, My KGBV Sisters

My last day at KGBV was on Friday.  After eating, sleeping, singing, dancing, joking around, and, of course, karate-ing with these girls for 12 days, it was time to say goodbye.  When I first arrived at their hostel, they called me ‘Sister.’  They all wanted me to know their names – so important to them.  So here is me, their Sister, remembering:

Khushboon, Shabana, Shabanan, Sabina, Kavita 1st, Kavita 2nd, Kavita 3rd, Kavita 4th, Jyoti, Johanara, Guddi, Baby, Aarti, Nisha, Madhumalla, sisters Juli and Juhi, Sunam, Rajilla, Ruxana, Ruhi, Rehana, Ruma, Khushboo, Jehda, Amrita, Rita, Firoja, Nazmeen, Rachem, Rosen, Bharti, Lata, and Nikat.  Included as my sisters are also the caretakers at KGBV:  Pinky, Sanju, and Sharda.  And there are two cooks who made some of the best food and spoiled me fat, Malti and Sabira.

I will miss:  the laughter; the creak of the hand pump signalling someone getting water in the courtyard; the murmurings at night of the 10 or so girls in my room before falling asleep;  the ritual folding of dupattas before school; the song of evening prayers; laundry drying on the roof in the sun; the soft scuffing noise of flip flops on concrete floors; morning tea; afternoon tea; bright, inquisitive eyes; and the spark of each of their spirits.


  1. Dianne said,

    August 26, 2010 at 7:11 pm

    You are amazing and so are your stories. Stay safe and inspired!
    Love, Dianne

  2. Belle said,

    August 27, 2010 at 6:28 am

    Hi, Dianne, thanks! It is fascinating here. An unspoiled part of India, kind of stepping back in time. And the people, I don’t even know where to begin. I am pulling double classes today; we’ll see how that goes. More to come in the blog. Thanks so much for reading and for your thoughts.

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