The Hospital

I got a little reminder of why I am not allowed to roam free here as I was heading home from Uttari Rampur.  We had passed a hospital on the way to the school, and I wanted to get a picture of it.  Imagine a four-story apartment building in Cabrini Green in Chicago, then you’ll get an idea of what this hospital looks like, and why I wanted a picture of it. Well, in fact, here it is:

  I truly couldn’t believe that this was a place people went to when they got sick.  Anyway, Dheeraj stopped the motorbike, and within the time it took me to get off the bike, take ten steps, take the picture, then return to the bike, a crowd of about 30 people had formed.  I kid you not.  So, what is one thing I am missing?  Anonymity, and the ability to go anywhere without drawing a crowd.


  1. Gertrudis said,

    August 27, 2010 at 5:54 pm

    Belinda, thinking of you often sending positive thoughts of strength and courage.It seems this portion of your journey has a mind all its own. Lots of variables and a culture unique to what we wouldnt be able to imagine. Your detailed postings really paint the picture. Your awareness and intuitiveness are set at a higher level than what you thought you might need. Stay ground and in tune for the ultimate unexpected possibilities. Much Love “Choosen One” 🙂

  2. Larry said,

    August 28, 2010 at 5:40 am

    I think its a great thing you’re doing there and the difference you are making in so many young women lives and they in yours. Truly a life experience they and you will never forget.
    I look forward to hearing more details when you get back. Just get back safe and sound.

  3. Belle said,

    August 30, 2010 at 10:34 am

    Thanks, Larry! Everything is going well so far. Just one more week to do some good, then back to the States.

  4. Belle said,

    August 30, 2010 at 10:51 am

    Catherine, thanks for the thoughts – very helpful keeping me feeling connected to home and not so isolated out here. And I like your comment about the journey having ‘a mind of its own’ – so true right now. I have to be very fluid here; not what I’m used to. I have one more week. I thought I had hit some high points, but Saturday in Babuan was a surprise. I’m sure more to come. Thanks again for your thoughts and comments, and glad you enjoy reading the blog.

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