How Do You Eat an Elephant?
January 7th, 2011 at 1:56 pm (Uncategorized)
Ever since returning from India, I have felt somewhat stymied. Tons of questions: how can I continue to help? what is the best path? in which country? with what organization? with what money? do I start a non-profit or work with an existing one? is there a NP that is doing what I want to do already? if there isn’t, then what do I need to do to set one up? am I the right person to do such a thing?
And many times I find myself asking: is [x,y,z] going to be enough? And I think I have to stop asking this question, which does nothing but paralyze me, and just start doing, no matter how small it might seem.
My vision for TGTP is big: become a self defense resource for every women’s empowerment organization around the globe. In my trip to India this past year, I proved to myself that self defense and karate are very powerful tools for women and girls in ‘at risk’ environments. It gives them voice when previously they had none. They can physically feel their strength, which gives them confidence. I want TGTP to grow so that women and girls can connect with confidence and strength where it has always been and always will be – in themselves, in their indestructible spirits.
And so 2011 starts, and I find myself agitated, haunted, trying to figure out what to do to make this happen. One bite. Just one bite at a time…
“No one could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” — Edmund Burke
mnamna said,
January 16, 2011 at 5:14 pm
Keep going lady…