Second Roll
March 30th, 2012 at 11:21 am (Uncategorized)
I have just finished packing my second roll of toilet paper, which entails rewinding the toilet paper, free form, off of its cardboard tube and into organized wads. These are then placed in plastic baggies, the air squeezed out of them, and then sealed. Not an item most travelers would think about packing. But then again, most travelers are not preparing for their second trip to India.
In 36 hours, I will be at O’Hare Airport, bags piled around me, in a daze for the sprinted marathon I have pulled over the last few months. When I started planning this second trip to do volunteer work in January, I thought it would be good to not only return to India to follow up with my original group of girls in Bihar, but to do some outreach to organizations in cities. This was far easier to dream about than to execute. But, guess what?, here I am, about to embark on a trip that will take me to Bihar for two weeks to do a follow up, and then two weeks with three organizations in Mumbai. Number of girls anticipated to be reached with this trip: 90 in Bihar; 100 in Mumbai, for a grand total of 190. If you checked in with this blog in January, you’ll see that Green Tara Project set a goal for this year of 200 girls. We (GTP) are going to achieve that in just this one trip. We’re excited.
I hope you’ll follow me in the coming weeks in my endeavors with these girls. I am very interested to see this time out who learns more: me or them.
Sandykins said,
March 31, 2012 at 11:36 pm
Good journey my love, you will be the spark, you are an inspiring teacher and student, success is a forgone conclusion, just by taking that first step out the door.
Be safe, peace and love,
Sandykins said,
April 1, 2012 at 3:08 am
I posted this post on Nicholas Kristof’s facebook page today, it has 10 “likes” including one from the man himself….. so you go girl
Three years ago, a dream was born, out of a book called Half The Sky. After reading the book, my BFF, Belle volunteered for Apne App, and spent 4 weeks in Bihar, teaching the girls Karate and self-defense. The power of one trip created a spark, now there are 4 of us, Belle, me, Jen, and Jeff.
We have a registered non-profit, a website, a logo and in just 3 months, through donations from friends and relatives, raised airfare for the 2nd. trip.
The second adventure of The Green Tara Project starts today, I will be driving Belle to the airport in just a few hours. She will be in India for 6 weeks, 2 in Bihar to revisit the girls she trained on the first trip and 4 weeks in Mumbai working with 4 new organizations training in Karate and self defense, at risk and rescued girls from Human Trafficking. Visit our new infant web site for info, visit the Blog (link is on the left on web page) to read about the project adventures, see pictures and leave words of encouragement.
Green Tara Project (GTP) is a non-profit organization providing self defense and life skills training to at-risk women and children.
Belle said,
April 9, 2012 at 3:44 am
Kiddo, words cannot express. Thanks so much. Trying to do all my supporters proud.